February’s care

In the month of February, even if some frosts and hailstorms cannot be excluded, the first sunny days begin to take place.


Watering will be carried out in slightly dry soil and during the hottest hours of the day. Indoor species must remain sheltered, very close to a window (within one meter). It is possible that they begin to sprout faster; in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the greater consumption of water.


On a dry day you can already prune Vine and Maples. The big apical buds of Horse chestnut can be removed by breaking them with the fingers.


It is still not time to fertilize, however towards the end of the month it is possible to apply a slow-release organic fertilizer that will enter into circulation after a couple of weeks: Spring is almost upon us.


The pesticide prevention plan calls for a new application of an oil-based insecticide with the addition of a fungicide to prepare the tree for impending sprouting. As soon as the buds begin to swell, it is advisable to treat the bonsai of Cherry, Peach and Prunus against the bubble, a fungal disease that causes the buds and leaves to curl up, causing serious damage that is not only aesthetic. Use for this purpose Ziram, cupric treatments and Bordeaux mixture. The fungus invades the gem upon awakening, therefore it is necessary to treat it in time, before the damage occurs.


This period works include spinning, possible grafts and in the second half of the month you can already do some transplant. However, do not rush: a transplant performed at the wrong time can be risky and ruin the work of many years. It is still time to harvest yamadori, having the foresight to place freshly picked plants in places sheltered from rain, sun and wind. If you want to obtain the rapid growth of the trunk, it is not advisable to place the plants in pots too small: planting in the ground or in a large pot will make the trunk grow 4 or 5 times faster.