August’s care

The same considerations as in July remain valid for the month of August. We must be careful of the strong heat and the hot winds that can cause dehydration of the plant. In addition to the sun-penonbra rotation, it is convenient to turn the bonsai so that they receive sun on all sides equally. Remember that the midday sun and the early afternoon sun is potentially harmful to the leaves.


Watering is the most important practice: it must be done carefully and repeated every time the surface dries, without making the mistake of soaking the plants. In this regard, good drainage of the substrate is vital.


It is strictly forbidden to transplant, wrap conifers with the wire and carry out strong pruning. Growth will now be very slow, so no major interventions should be necessary in this regard.


We will change the fertilizer with a low nitrogen content, thus preparing the trees for autumn. Usually the fertilizations of the plants are resumed for which they were suspended, towards the end of the month, or when the temperatures return more mild.


The pesticide controls of the month are based on the search for fluff or aphids in the Pines, in the interstices of the branches or in the fissures of the bark to be treated, possibly, with specific insecticide. Beware of oidium (or mal-white); you can make preventive or timely treatments with ventilated sulfur, being careful not to apply it to the foliage when it is wet because it could damage the buds.


Since growth is slowed down, or even stopped due to heat, we can carry out transplants only strictly necessary by repairing the plant in the following period and helping it with vitamin complexes and stimulating rooting. Naturally this type of transplant is not recommended for neophytes and in all those situations for which it is possible to wait for the following spring.